Preparing economic studies

Preparing economic studies

Economic study preparation is a comprehensive process that requires detailed analysis of economic data and information related to a project, policy, or future decision. The goal of preparing economic studies is to provide a thorough and informed assessment of the potential financial and economic impacts of the project or decision. Here are the key steps in preparing economic studies.

Defining objectives and requirements.

The work begins by defining the main objectives of the economic study and the specific requirements that need to be analyzed.

Data collection.

Preparing an economic study requires collecting the necessary data for analysis, including financial, economic, social, and environmental data.

Data analysis.

The collected data is analyzed using various analytical tools and techniques, such as economic modeling, forecasting, and statistical analysis.

Presenting the results.

Analysts present the results and findings in a systematic and comprehensive manner, in the form of written reports or presentations.

Economic impact assessment.

The potential impacts of the project or decision on the local and national economy are assessed, including effects on employment, economic growth, prices, and income.

Presenting conclusions and recommendations.

Based on the analysis and evaluation, analysts present their conclusions and recommendations regarding the feasibility of the project or future decision.

Performance monitoring.

The performance monitoring process can also be included in the preparation of economic studies, where the performance of the project or decision is evaluated over time and plans are adjusted if necessary.

Preparing economic studies requires a specialized, multidisciplinary team, including economists, data analysts, and public policy experts, to ensure the quality of analysis and accuracy of results.


  • The economic study focuses on general economic analysis, while the feasibility study focuses on a specific project.

  • It includes market analysis, macroeconomic factors, and growth forecasts.

  • Governments, businesses, and non-profit organizations can benefit from these studies.

  • No, economic studies can also be conducted for small and medium-sized projects.

  • It depends on the type and size of the project
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